
About us

Here you can read the story of Cobraid and our team. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Cobraid Deploy, our story, our team or job openings.

The founders of Cobraid

The story of Cobraid

While an abundance of establishment stories start with a brilliant idea for a business, our started with a deep passion for data. It took only a single university project to figure out the situation: we, Sune, Alexander and Morten, brought more value together than apart. 

Given the instance of each of us sharing the same passion, Cobraid appeared in the fall of 2015. Since then, this company’s mission has been to find the most efficient solutions for implementing changes in organizations by using real-life data.

The problem

Knowing that we want to create data solutions, a search for the true hidden problem began. After talking to different companies and studying different management theories, we started realising the underlying complication: communicating the strategy, and making it appealing across the organization has become a real struggle.

This is exactly what we are trying to tackle today.

Vision we live by

“Empowering businesses to make a difference”

Most people might think this is just a combination of sophisticated words to make us look good. However, in Cobraid’s eyes, this phrase exactly encapsulates the true purpose behind Cobraid Deploy. Further reading is advised to understand why.

Cobraid's vision

Be excellent


We might be a bunch of idealists but “good enough” is just not a part of our vocabulary. “If it is worth doing it is worth doing well” is a quote we always come back to.

We like our customers

It’s true – we truly are fond of our customers. So many unique and important projects. We like getting to know you, your team, your values, and your solutions. We genuinely care about you and your business. That’s why we started the company in the first place – we simply think you deserve better.

Only deliver a good product


When working on a project, we make sure that the delivered results are functional and working properly. Therefore before signing up to do a job we make sure that we are capable of doing it, both in the expected quality and time frame.

Meet the team

Sune Monrad

Sune Monrad

Co-Founder & KPI Ninja

Sune is a strategic and friendly guy who secretly believes that he is Batman. To train himself for the role of a Danish Bruce Wayne, Sune usually involves himself in a lot of different projects, including spending time hiking, climbing and being a scout leader. Within the office, he is in charge of finance and sales. He is also recording our podcasts.

Alexander R. Christensen

Alexander R. Christensen

Co-Founder and KPI Ninja

Alexander is unable to function well in the morning without a cup of coffee. He is highly motivated by the wonderful people that he’s surrounded with. He secretly wishes to become Ironman; who some of us might think is just another cooler and groovier of Batman. Within the office, he is in charge of front-end development.

Morten  H. Christensen

Morten H. Christensen

Co-Founder & KPI Ninja

Morten likes to be called by his middle name “Hoffmann”. He idolizes Superman, not for the red cape or waverly hair, but for the fact that he can handle anything being thrown at him.  Besides hanging out with friends, the only other thing he enjoys doing outside of work is more work. Here, he is in charge of the back-end development. 

Evita Vecozola

Evita Vecozola

Communications Specialist

Evita is a friendly and positive spirit of the office. Even though she loves a good Marvel movie just like her bosses, her magic lays somewhere in the Harry Potter world. In her spare time, she likes to play indoor hockey, photograph weddings, and bake bread. When in office, she takes care of the marketing tasks, content creation and different types of business analysis.

Anders Schmolke

Anders Schmolke

Sales Consultant

Anders is the positive and confident sales guy, based in Hamburg, Germany, brings the spirit of Denmark with him. While familiar with the Marvel universe, he may have enjoyed a movie or two due to peer influence. His foray into sales began when his childhood dream of attending Hogwarts never materialized. In his free time, you’ll find him on the football field or in the forest, refining his Disc Golf skills. In the office, he is building and nurturing client relationships.