Pitfalls of DORA Metrics

Pitfalls of DORA Metrics


Written by Evita Vecozola

September 18, 2023

Let’s delve further into DORA Metrics! In our previous discussion, I introduced you to the fundamentals, but there’s more to discover. (If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, feel free to catch up here; I’ll be here waiting.) Before we take a deeper dive into the topic, let me provide a quick recap.

DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) metrics consist of a set of measures designed to assess an organization’s DevOps performance. These metrics were developed based on a study of high-performing organizations, aiming to serve as benchmarks for evaluating performance and identifying areas for improvement.

The DORA metrics concentrate on critical DevOps aspects such as deployment frequency, lead time, and mean time to recover. They establish a shared framework for assessing these aspects across organizations. By utilizing DORA metrics, organizations can monitor their progress over time and pinpoint areas in need of improvement within their DevOps practices. While the DORA metrics offer valuable insights, it’s essential to consider their potential pitfalls and incorporate them into a more comprehensive approach for evaluating and enhancing DevOps performance.

Benefits of using the metrics

Now that we have revisited the fundamentals of DORA Metrics, let’s delve deeper into the tangible benefits they bring to the table. In this exploration, we’ll uncover how these metrics empower organizations to refine their DevOps practices, measure progress, and identify areas ripe for enhancement.

    1. Providing a common framework for evaluating DevOps performance: DORA metrics offer a standardized set of measures for evaluating DevOps team performance, enabling organizations to compare themselves with peers and establish industry benchmarks. With this common evaluation framework, organizations can more accurately measure and track their progress over time.

    2. Identifying areas of strength and improvement: DORA metrics can help organizations identify areas where they are performing well, and areas where they need to improve. By measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as deployment frequency, lead time, and mean time to recovery, organizations can gain insights into their DevOps performance and identify opportunities for improvement. This can help organizations focus their efforts and resources on the areas that will have the greatest impact on their overall performance.

    3. Establishing common terms and definitions: DORA metrics provide a common set of terms and definitions that can be used to discuss DevOps performance within an organization. This helps to eliminate confusion and misunderstandings that can arise when different teams use different terminology to describe similar concepts. By establishing a common language for discussing DevOps performance, organizations can improve communication and collaboration among different teams and stakeholders.

    4. Learning from high-performing organizations: DORA metrics provide a way for organizations to learn from high-performing DevOps teams. By studying organizations that excel in key metrics such as deployment frequency and lead time, organizations can gain insights into best practices that may be applicable to their own context. This can help organizations adopt proven approaches and improve their DevOps performance over time.

    5. Comparing performance across teams or divisions: DORA metrics can be used to compare the performance of different teams or divisions within an organization. By identifying areas where certain teams are performing better than others, organizations can optimize their resources and allocate them to the areas that will have the greatest impact on overall performance. This can help to improve collaboration and alignment across different teams, and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.


Where’s the catch?

While DORA metrics provide a standardized set of metrics, the interpretation of how they are measured in practice can vary from team to team and organization to organisation. This can lead to discrepancies in how different teams interpret and report their performance on these metrics. As a result, when comparing performance across different teams or organizations, it’s important to ensure that there is a shared understanding of how the metrics are defined and measured, in order to ensure consistency and accuracy. Organizations should establish clear guidelines and definitions for measuring DORA metrics, and ensure that all teams are using consistent methods for measuring and reporting their performance on these metrics.

Risk of holding on too tightly

One potential pitfall of using the DORA metrics is relying too heavily on them, rather than considering the specific needs and context of an organization. While the DORA metrics provide a common framework for evaluating DevOps performance across organizations, they may not always be directly applicable in all cases. For example, an organization may have specific constraints or requirements that make it difficult to improve certain metrics, such as deployment frequency. In such cases, it may be more useful to focus on other metrics or to use other tools and approaches to evaluate and improve DevOps performance. 

It’s also important to remember that the DORA metrics are just one way of evaluating DevOps performance, and that they should be used in conjunction with other tools and approaches. This can help provide a more comprehensive picture of an organization’s DevOps practices and identify areas for improvement.

Short-term over long-term

Another potential pitfall of using the DORA metrics is focusing too much on short-term gains, rather than considering the long-term impacts of changes. While it’s important to track progress and identify areas for improvement, it’s also important to consider the long-term implications of changes. For example, improving a metric in the short term may not necessarily lead to sustained improvement over the long term. It’s important to consider the broader implications of changes and to ensure that improvements are sustainable over the long term. 

This can involve considering the potential impacts of changes on other areas of the organization, as well as the long-term costs and benefits of different approaches. By considering these long-term impacts, organisations can make more informed decisions about how to prioritize their efforts and ensure that they are making sustainable improvements to their DevOps practices.

Forgetting the people

Also a potential pitfall of using the DORA metrics is neglecting important aspects of DevOps, such as culture and collaboration, that are not directly captured by the metrics. While the DORA metrics provide a useful framework for evaluating certain aspects of DevOps performance, they don’t capture everything.

Culture and collaboration are important factors that can impact an organization’s DevOps practices, and they are not directly captured by the DORA metrics. This can make it difficult to fully understand and improve an organization’s DevOps practices without considering these factors.


Let me tell it to you in a form of a sad story

Once upon a time in the bustling tech industry, there was a company called “TechWiz Innovations.” TechWiz was known for its cutting-edge products and solutions, but it had recently realized the importance of embracing DevOps practices to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving market.

Eager to make strides in their DevOps journey, TechWiz’s leadership decided to implement DORA Metrics to measure their DevOps performance. They were aware of the success stories associated with these metrics, showcasing how they had helped numerous companies improve their software delivery processes and achieve higher efficiency.

TechWiz began by diligently tracking their Lead Time for Changes, Deployment Frequency, Change Failure Rate, and Time to Restore Service. They set ambitious targets, aiming to become industry leaders in each metric. The executive team even tied employee bonuses and promotions to these metrics, believing that it would motivate everyone to work towards the goals.

However, as time passed, some unintended consequences began to emerge.

Here comes the downfall

  1. Gaming the Metrics: The emphasis on hitting specific numbers led some teams to game the system. Developers started to cut corners to reduce lead times and increase deployment frequency. The focus shifted from delivering high-quality code to merely meeting the metrics.

  2. Burnout and Stress: The pressure to meet aggressive targets took a toll on employees. Teams were working long hours to achieve the desired deployment frequency, often sacrificing work-life balance and quality assurance in the process.

  3. Incident Escalation: To meet the goal of a low Change Failure Rate, incidents were underreported or mitigated informally, leading to potential issues being swept under the rug. This lack of transparency resulted in more significant incidents when they did occur.

  4. Loss of Creativity: Innovation took a back seat as teams raced to meet the metrics. Creative problem-solving and experimentation were discouraged, stifling the culture of continuous improvement that DevOps was supposed to foster. 

As a result of these unintended consequences, TechWiz’s DevOps transformation took a wrong turn. While the DORA Metrics had initially seemed like a useful tool, they had become a rigid and punitive system that strained employee morale and compromised the quality of their products.

Dora Levels Cobraid

What can we learn from it?

  1. Balancing Metrics and Culture: Metrics can be valuable tools for measuring progress, but they should never replace or undermine a healthy organizational culture. Striking the right balance between metrics and culture is crucial. An overemphasis on metrics can lead to unintended consequences, including employee burnout and a decline in innovation.

  2. Avoiding Metric Manipulation: When metrics become strict performance targets, there is a risk of employees gaming the system to achieve those targets. It’s essential to create a culture where employees understand that the goal is to improve processes and outcomes, not just meet numeric goals. Metrics should encourage genuine performance improvements rather than shortcuts or manipulation.
  3. Quality over Quantity: Metrics like Deployment Frequency can be valuable, but they should not come at the expense of code quality or reliability. Prioritizing quantity (e.g., frequent deployments) without considering the quality of those deployments can lead to issues and customer dissatisfaction.

  4. Adaptability and Flexibility: Organizations should be willing to adapt their metrics and goals as circumstances change. In the fast-paced tech industry, what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. Be open to reevaluating and adjusting your metrics to align with evolving business needs and priorities.

  5. Transparency and Reporting: Encouraging transparent reporting of incidents and issues is vital for a healthy DevOps culture. Underreporting incidents due to fear of metrics-related consequences can have a detrimental impact. A culture of openness and learning from failures is crucial for continuous improvement.

  6. Employee Well-Being: Metrics-driven cultures can sometimes lead to employee burnout and stress. It’s essential to prioritize employee well-being and work-life balance. Overloading employees with aggressive metric targets can result in decreased morale and productivity.

  7. Focus on the Bigger Picture: While metrics are valuable for tracking progress, they should not distract from the bigger picture. The ultimate goal of DevOps is to deliver value to customers efficiently and reliably. Metrics should serve as a means to that end, not as the end itself.


Overall, the DORA metrics can be a useful tool for evaluating and improving DevOps performance, but it’s important to keep in mind that they are just one tool among many. Some potential pitfalls of using the DORA metrics include relying too heavily on them, focusing too much on short-term gains, and neglecting important aspects of DevOps such as culture and collaboration. To get the most value from the DORA metrics, it’s important to use them as part of a broader approach to evaluating and improving DevOps performance, and to consider the specific needs and context of an organization.

Overall, it’s important to use the DORA metrics as one tool among many, and to consider the specific needs and context of an organization when using them. Metrics should empower and guide, not drive destructive behaviors or compromise the overall well-being of an organization and its employees.

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